Blog Archive

Monday, May 23, 2011

rainy day

A very wet and dark day in Brisbane today. The few veges I still have in are loving it, my brocoli is starting to make some headway and the snow peas are starting to get serious about climbing. Had a few more friends get stuck into my great crop of rosellas but I probably have enough for another pick of about a bucket-ful if anyone wants to come over. I'll post another monochrome or two out of "Grey" for you.


place of flowers


rObfOs said...

Hi Jack, love the "Place of Flowers" work. The inky shadows draw me in and the balancing granite rocks are very printerly in their execution. The little flying creature looks somewhere between a fish and a bird and gives the work humour, I think.

rObfOs said...

Hi Jack, spamalot here, have just done 3 hours teaching so head is not working all that well. I think I said something like: love the inky shadows in this work and the printerly forms of the granite boulders, the quirkly little flying creature looks somewhere between a fish and a bird and adds a touch of whimsy.

rObfOs said...

Hey Jack, just had a squiz at your flickr photostream. There's a gargantuan amount of work there. Looks great. RF