Blog Archive

Thursday, August 22, 2019

points of difference

Often we make a book and it takes a while to get feedback on how it "works" for the audience. Recently, when showing "tactile dialogues" to some book artists, I was thrilled to see how differently they interacted with my book. 
Some opened and closed the individual tags separately making little noises of surprise at what was underneath and then closing the shutters, while others left the little windows open with all the tags sticking out making a more 3D presence. Turning the shiny carbon coated pages in the light, changed the shadows and gave more sculptural feeling.
It is wonderful to see the different reactions to very abstract surfaces and shapes on the pages. The interactive, open-ended emphasis was one which this audience enjoyed "playing" with. 

This valuable feedback will help me make more interactive, maybe even process driven work using the qualities of the paper to drive the book's tactile qualities. Sadly, much is lost in blogs like this although perhaps a video format might help, particularly with the movement part of this different process of "seeing" an artist book.


Unknown said...

Hello. I have a painting of yours purchased around 1982 when I was an adult student at Capalaba High. Thought I'd let you know it is still much admired. If you have an email address I can send you a pic. Rosemarie

Jacobus (Jack) Oudyn said...

Hello Rosemarie, so lovely to hear from you after all this time.If you click onto the very first little box on the right hand side of this blog where it says "follow by email"you'll get my e address. Looking forward to hearing from you.