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Friday, August 6, 2021

"Opening Dark Windows"

“Opening Dark Windows”
is an artist book that explores ways of seeing and interacting with books that don’t tell a story. It deliberately avoids the conventional, sequential narrative structures that most books have and is full of random contradictions and conceptual gaps that create opportunities and spaces for chance and doubt. 

“Opening Dark Windows” is an interactive book that invites you to lift and turn sections of each page to reveal hidden, underlying papers, images, and codes that suggest rather than prescribe imaginative engagement. It follows on from an earlier interactive book "Tactile Dialogues" but with a much lighter mood.

The thin carbon tissue pages are torn and cut to make flaps or windows for the “reader” to open. These “windows of opportunity” reveal surprise coded messages and found text/poetry that evoke a sense of discovery, new beginnings, and a playful interaction with materials.

Although every window is quite specific and defined, it can be seen and interpreted in many non-linear ways, resulting in a more poetic and metaphoric experience. It evokes a sense of a new beginning - the surprise of the unexpected- a playful, intuitive, investigative experience.


Helen M said...

This is a very beautiful book Jack, in your 'hide and reveal' style. The images and colours revealed under the stark black surface when the tabs are lifted are gorgeous and the short texts allow one to engage with it within their own imagination. Would love to be able to interact with it in person.

Jacobus (Jack) Oudyn said...

Thanks, Helen. I'll make sure you get a look once we get a bit more mobile and can transition from "hide" to "reveal" in person. Stay well.